Tuesday 25 June 2013

Sports week 2013- Days 1 and 2

The school's annual sports week began with a bang this week.  Mrs Ward has been very busy planning a fun packed week.
We kicked off with a fabulous visit from Mariette Rix, a South African Olympic hockey player who played in both Beijing 2008 and London 2012.  She came into school and spent time coaching the Years 3-6. She was a very kind and patient lady; an excellent teacher with a wealth of knowledge and skills to share and we were very fortunate. 

Meanwhile, Mr Laws and some young sports leaders arrived from Alde Valley High School with Tchoukball equipment and spent time with Mrs Drew and the Year 3 class. We have been allowed to keep the equipment for the week so all classes can use it.

Class 5 began work on their synchronised swimming routine.  They worked in small groups to plan their spectacle on dry land before practicing their initial ideas in water for the first time.  More practice sessions and a final performance are planned in for the week.

Today began outside in the sunshine with Class 4 trying out some qwik cricket on the field. It would seem we have some natural bowlers and batsman.

During the day, The Sensei from Saxmundham Karate club came into school to work with Classes 3, 4 and 5.  He impressed all with his skills and the children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. Those who already attend his club could be seen demonstrating their skills.

 Meanwhile, Mr Holt kindly came back to visit for the afternoon and led KS1 in a new morris dancing routine designed especially for the occasion. The children spent the afternoon out on the playground, in the sunshine, carrying out some complicated footwork, banging their sticks in time joined by Mr Holt in full costume.

It is hard to believe that it is only Tuesday and we still have 3 days of sports week left to go.  We literally cannot wait!

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